Capital City Arts Initiative–Fresh Outlook
Annie Tewalt, Gas Station in a Valley; oil and acrylic on canvas; 15″x30″; 2020.
The Capital City Arts Initiative (CCAI) announces its exhibition, Fresh Outlook, at the Community Development Building (the Brick), 108 E Proctor Street, Carson City, from May 25 — September 23, 2021. The Brick is open to the public, M-F, 8 am – noon, 1-4 pm. Watch the exhibition’s online tour here.
The Capital City Arts Initiative (CCAI) announces its exhibition, Fresh Outlook, at the Community Development Building (the Brick). Fresh Outlook’s 27 students from Western Nevada College’s Carson City campus used a wide variety of art media including drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, and one extravagant textile. The exhibit includes two-years of student work, 2019 – 2021.
This program is supported in part by Nevada Humanities. Learn more